Our Initiatives

The 3 R’s Initiative – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This initiative has been taken up by Saakshar to eliminate the waste, protect our environment and support the people in need.

The importance of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling

By now, we all are in sync with the benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling. When we reuse or recycle, we keep things out of the landfills which is a better prospect for the environment. Most important of the lot are cloths and clothing materials. As a cloth blends in with the rest of the garbage in landfills, it breaks down and releases toxic greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the environment. Other recycled elements such as plastic and its family have obvious benefits as it is non-biodegradable. So, recycling and reusing has double benefits – ensure a sustainable environment and help the people who are in need.

The 3 R’s also lead to lesser requirement of raw materials, energy conservation and the pollution generated is much less. Our government too aims at adopting an approach which integrates the 3 R’s. We have a few drives that contribute to this effort.

Reduce - The Joy of Giving

Reducing our waste footprint is the need of the hour. To help reduce waste, we encourage citizens to not discard unwanted things and donate the same: clothes, toys, vessels, electronic materials, furniture, accessories etc. After we collect the donated things, they are segregated in two: Reusable and Recycled.

Reuse - Joy of Sharing

The reusable things are sent to pre-identified locations and distributed to families as per their requirements.

Recycle - Best out of Waste

For the items which need to be recycled, like clothes, we have avenues to make blankets, pouches, cloth bags etc. E–waste, plastics, toys etc. are given to MPCB approved organizations which recycle them. Our aim here is to generate a source of income for the people and also to dispose of the waste as per the government norms.